miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

MANIFESTO "LYRICAL EXPRESSIONISM" (Text translated from the original Spanish by the author himself)

Lyrical expressionism

Lyrical expressionism is an expressionist trend founded by Freijanez early this century that shares with the "Expressionism" its personal and intuitive vision that gives priority to the expression of feelings in front of objective descriptions of reality, but without opposition nor confrontation with impressionism or any other movement or school, opened to any influence, endorsing the impression of the world surrounding the impressionist artist that switches it into a simple reflection of the senses. On the other hand, it transforms restlessness, anxiety, sadness, conflicts and suffering that is felt in the German Expressionism and also the ugly aesthetics of the New York Abstract Expressionism of the 40s into gentle poetry, parsimony, peace, and its edges and square concepts into roundness and tenderness. It claims to be ‘painted poetry’, and also expressionist as it takes diverse forms and shapes of expression considering the most important the reflection of the inner world of the artist, the expression of the own feelings on any other consideration, based on its firm belief that for the purposes of creativity the "inside" is the "outside", rejecting therefore any kind of confrontation or conflict and framing its creative action in poetic lyricism, excluding on the other hand drama, tragedy and epic, without condemning them, in the constant search of creating beauty in peace and harmony, which is its main goal, namely, own enjoyment, rest and inner and intellectual development, in permanent virtual communion with other human beings. An oasis of physical and spiritual rest, an attempt of creating beauty, in order to obtain as a result an eclectic symbolic representative expressionist poetry of the deepest feelings and a situation and an attitude in the world, not against it. Totally neutral and apolitical.

Back to the Expressionism as technique

Almost a century after the official advent of "Expressionism" in Germany, the "Lyrical expressionism" appears with the acknowledge that give the years and the checking that tensions and struggles of artistic movements that follow one to each other virtually no influence on the important issues of society and decides to give up any political or social action and devote itself to the cultivation of inner wealth aware that any social improvement goes through the improvement of inner wealth of people individually, far away then of the chronological evolution and succession representing modes and art schools and away equally of any plastic styles at the service of concrete political ideologies, but taking the expressionism as a tool, as bulk of his technique of expression. Contrary to 'lyricism' which is a 'romanticism', the 'lyrical expressionism' is not about romantic feelings of anguish and death, but deals with the inner development, peace and tranquility in search of clarity and spiritual progress, which is one of its main objectives in the metaphysical field. Its main value as engine is the child within the person itself.

Two branches

The lyrical expressionism is divided into two branches, “figurative lyrical expressionism” and “abstract lyrical expressionism,” the first of them incorporates some elements of other styles outside the “Expressionism”, always at a minimum. The second, by its very nature, does not differ much in general from abstract expressionism except in volume and certain perspectives achieved with textures and materials and techniques from previous phases as ceramist of its founder, of great importance because if expressionism carries the colors and shapes to a temperamental end, those come to be significantly reinforced.

Materials as paint working tool

All kinds of material available to the artist. It is used primarily considerable thickness textures that come to be the most characteristic and important item because they facilitate the framing, enrich the volume, diversify the color tones and enhance perspectives.

Pure, net, colors and mixing colors, primary and secondary, complementary or not, stumped ... can be all used including black and white. The color range is the most extensive that has come to be. There is no prevalence of colors, but can be very frequent the night paintings.

As tools, yarns, wool, ropes, brushes of course, sponges, combs, sticks, toothpicks, fingers themselves and no matter what else, bare hands also, being the “soul” of the artist the “main tool,” the “soul” of the creative person, full of poetry and peace and serenity at the time of the creativity.
The artist can create on any surface, wood, cloth, paper prepared for this purpose or any other medium, using inks, gouaches, watercolors, oils and art acrylics that is the recommended nowaday  for having exceeded oil in practically all considerations.

Position and attitude in the world

As in art, 'Lyrical Expressionism' is equally eclectic in philosophy, another of its major reasons of being, of its basic foundations, matter in which it respects, as in religious, every belief and incorporates knowledge and wisdom of many of them although as part of an esoteric Buddhism that comes to be similar to what agnosticism has been called "agnostic monotheistic theism" but frees the author of turn and his followers for positioning at any time and on any social issue , philosophical, religious, political or other opinion, not as a creator of lyrical expressionism, as stated above, but at personal level keeping the capacity and the possibility of returning to their rest for creation, separating the creation of the creator, so it does not require nor affiliations of any kind to anyone who decides to practice it because it goes without saying that violent people, not to put more than one example, do not use in painting out doves of peace. It considers that in the matter of creativity, the interior is the exterior, the inside is the outside, that the hands reflect what the heart feels and what dictates the mind, and that plastic poetic beauty cannot be created neither poetic lyric if the feelings are not in congruence with what is created without soon the nature of the artist and his creation be revealed when not at the first attempt. It respects all styles, all affiliations and all manifestations that human beings adopt throughout their lives, even if it does not share them and it departs and places itself at the end of philosophy, in its true mouth, which is not the university chair, but asceticism, and it is there, at the beginning or in any of its most advanced stages, depending on each person, on the 'state of being' in which each one is located.

Delimitations: Lyrical insinuation

Lyrical Expressionism has not been founded to attack absolutely anyone, nor to any circumstance, not even to complain or to mourn, unless a few tears on a face painted, carved or sung, although obviously distorted from a realistic embodiment, come, innocently, to reinforce the beauty of the whole, to endow it with tenderness.

The painting "Vergnona", gives us an example of the point to which "Lyrical Expressionism" can arrive, that is, its limit, its delimitation: remembering  a tragedy, expressing  that one has felt and deeply regrets it, but maintaining the highest possible levels of creativity and plastic beauty, without blaming anyone, as in this case "not even with the brush." 



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